November 25, 2017

Darling Christmas Gifts -- Everything Under $20, Perfect for Secret Santa!

 Secret Santa Gifts under $20Last week I was searching for inexpensive Christmas gifts on, like I've done every year for the past decade. There are a lot of little gifts I need to get every holiday season, token presents in many cases, or cute, funny gifts for Secret Santa or White Elephant exchanges, but also relatively affordable gifts for cousins and uncles and aunts and friends and coworkers and neighbors. Plus stocking stuffers for my immediate family, my mother, father, brothers, sisters-in-law, niece and nephew . . . and I don't forget my dog and cats!

 I started wishing there was a site that combed for me, pulling out adorable, humorous, clever, cool presents all in my cheapo gift-giving range.

This year, I decided to make that site myself!

So here it is, my Secret Santa site, perfect for little gifts for all your loved ones and not-so-loved ones, everyone you need to get a gift for this Christmas season! Best of all, every gift on the site was under $20 on when I added it!

Good shopping, happy holidays, and Merry Christmas to you all!

 Secret Santa Gifts under $20

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